J T Ryan and Associates, Inc.
Long-Term Care Insurance Experts
J T Ryan and Associates, Inc.
Long-Term Care Insurance Experts
Long-Term Care Insurance Experts
Long-Term Care Insurance Experts
It’s the assistance provided to someone with a prolonged physical illness, a disability like a stroke, or a cognitive impairment, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Or, just growing older and becoming frail.
Unlike traditional medical care, long-term care helps people with activities of daily living like bathing, dressing, and eating. Or supervision, if a person has difficulty with memory or reasoning.
Because the cost of long term care is now considered the greatest threat to financial security in retirement! The risk of needing long-term care is significant.
Today, the projections are that 80% of us will live to be 65. And, that 52% of us who do, will need long-term care.
But long-term care is not just an end of life issue for the elderly. Today, 37% of those receiving long term are under the age of 65.
In the United States, the average cost of in-home care is $149 per day, which is $4,470 per month, or $53,640 per year. The average cost of nursing home care is $290 per day, which is $8,700 per month, or $104,400 per year.
These costs are expected to increase by 15% in the next 5 years alone. Given the costs - today and in the future - can you afford to self insure?
In survey after survey, this is what people tell us:
Think about the other asset protection tools that you wouldn’t want to be without. Would you drive your car without car insurance? Own a home without homeowner’s insurance? Go without health insurance? It might be time to add long-term care insurance to your list.
Here are some questions to help you decide if long-term care insurance is right for you:
Because long-term care insurance is all we do. In fact, it’s all we’ve done for over two decades. We know the product and believe in it.
Multiple top-rated LTCI carriers have appointed JT Ryan as a managing general agent. This means that we’re able to select the right carrier and design the right plan to meet your needs.
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